The Remains of Eden
Helge Garke documents terraces in high density living quarters in Oslo, exploring the threshold between the public and the private.
"We thought we could fly"
I tell a photographic story about former drug users and their path to a dignified life, free from drugs.

Is about the reprograming process in the brain from low self worth to high self worth. 
The project encompasses the prosess of rewiring the brain from childhood trauma, limiting beliefs and feelings of unworthiness that limit the self to live in it`s full expression.
Youth in Pandemic
Junko Akita´s work is about vulnerable state of her teenage son and his friends during the pandemic, with images of spring flowers depicting the time passed and the stage of life they are living.

Oslo, my Oslo
What Oslo looks like photographed. Images from memory resonate in my head. Chaos inside me, chaos outside
 – or is it order?
"Trådløs spinner"
The work is about liberation and the process of freeing yourself from something that limits your control over or pleasure in your own life.
In this project, Eva Emanuelsen explores identity and self-worth. How do self-image and human dignity relate to achievement and external status?
Jakobsplass is a small sheep- and goat farm up in the Norwegian mountains. This is a portrait of the people, the animals and this special life.
«In the state of solitude» - Oslo 2020-2021
Camilla Louadah Hermansen
This is a project about cultivating presence and ecological awareness to gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectivity, rhythms and cycles in nature and of life.

In this project, Eva Emanuelsen explore identity and self-worth. How do self-image and In this project, Eva Emanuelsen explore identity and self-worth. How do self-image and human dignity relate to achievement and external status? dignity relate to achievement and external status?
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